
To help save the environment, think globally but act locally in your backyard with native plants
San Gabriel Tribune, Annisa Rivera | February 04, 2022
Susan Gottlieb of the Gottlieb Native Garden was there, with Diane Shader Smith, an accidental environmentalist inspired by her late daughter Mallory. Will Battersby, who wrote and produced “Salt in My Soul,” the documentary about Mallory’s life with cystic fibrosis, talked about how Mallory’s passion for the environment inspires him.

‘Salt In My Soul’
Daddy’s Grounded, Joel Gradcyk | February 04, 2022
Salt In My Soul is an emotional and worthwhile film for anyone interested in a deeply relational journey.

Comedy, music, film and more things to do this weekend at the Jersey Shore
Asbury Park Press, Gabriela L. Laracca & Alex Biese | February 03, 2022
Essex County filmmaker Will Battersby unflinchingly shares Mallory Smith’s decades-long fight against cystic fibrosis in the harrowing new documentary “Salt in My Soul.”

You’re Invited! to a special Q and A event hosted by Rainn Wilson: Salt In My Soul
PressPassLA | February 03, 2022
Join in on Tuesday Feb 8th at 4:00 PM PT/ 7:00 PM ET for a very special free virtual Q&A moderated by Rainn Wilson (The Office) for the new documentary SALT IN MY SOUL.

She died of Cystic Fibrosis. A new film tells her story – in her own words
Forward, PJ Grisar | February 02, 2022
After Mallory Smith died in 2017, her mom finally got a chance to look at her diary.
Smith had just turned 25 when she died from complications of cystic fibrosis. For 10 years she’d documented her life and thoughts on her computer and devices. When she gave her mother, Diane Shader Smith, the password, there were instructions: Mallory was a writer and wanted her work published, and she specified which parts. The book, “Salt in My Soul” came out in 2019. A documentary film of the same name was released last month.

Film Review: Salt In My Soul
Spirituality & Health | February 02, 2022
ASSEMBLED FROM home movies, recordings, and diaries kept by the late Mallory Smith, Salt in My Soul charts the journey of one woman who spent her life dealing with the devastating effects of cystic fibrosis, a fatal disease that attacks the lungs from a young age.

Salt In My Soul Film Review
SMBS Teen Press, by Chloe, Ethan, Evita, Malachi & Marley, Team 47 | February 01, 2022
Salt in my Soul is the powerfully told and extremely moving story of Mallory Smith’s difficult battle against cystic fibrosis and serves as a constant reminder of how precious life is. Throughout her life, Mallory recorded all her struggles in a plethora of private journal entries, video recordings, and online diaries that offer a glimpse into how she viewed the world.

Salt In My Soul, Movie Review: What it means to search for hope and answers
Cinema Sentries, Darcy Staniforth | January 29, 2022
Most of us don’t consider our own mortality as children. But children who live with chronic diseases are forced to confront their mortality very early on. For Mallory Smith, this realization came when she was just nine years old. By this time, she had already been living with Cystic Fibrosis for six years after being diagnosed with the disease at the age of three.

Learn about Superbugs and a one woman’s journey in Yale Panel
New Haven Register, Ed Stannard | January 26, 2022
NEW HAVEN — Superbugs, bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics, are growing more prevalent but little is known about them and the viruses, called phages, that are a growing weapon against them.

‘Gazillions’ of viruses, called phages, are our hope when antibiotics fail, Yale Biologist says
New Haven Register, Ed Stannard | January 26, 2022
NEW HAVEN — It’s the worldwide health care crisis that has been growing since before the COVID-19 pandemic, but researchers at Yale University and a few other places are hard at work to find cures.