
My daughter is gone but her legacy lives through her writing and phage therapy
STAT News | November 13, 2019
“Who lives, who dies, who tells your story?”
That line from the musical “Hamilton” inspires me to keep telling the story of my daughter Mallory. She died two years ago Friday at the age of 25, two months after receiving a transplant to replace both of her lungs, which had been ravaged by cystic fibrosis and an infection that no drugs could eradicate.

A patient’s legacy: Researchers work to make phage therapy less of a long shot.
STAT News | November 28, 2017
The researcher couldn’t get Mallory Smith’s story out of her mind. Smith was a 25-year-old cystic fibrosis patient, and she was near death at a Pittsburgh hospital, her lungs overwhelmed by bacteria. All antibiotics had failed. As a last resort, her father suggested an experimental treatment known as phage therapy.

Facing Mortality: A young woman’s lifelong battle with illness.
LA Times | December 13, 2017
The age of 25, for most people, is the beginning of life, not the end. But, as anyone will tell you, Mallory Smith, class of 2010, was not most people.

Read an excerpt from a memoir of a young woman who died of a superbug infection
Buzzfeed | March 11, 2019
Salt had always been a fundamental part of Mallory Smith’s life. Like all babies born with cystic fibrosis, Mallory had inherited two defective copies of a gene responsible for balancing the salt and water in sweat. The disease caused a thick mucus to form in her lungs, trapping bacteria and triggering infections, and leaving her skin a little salty.

A fitting memorial: Superbug treatment named for the patient who inspired its discovery
STAT News | January 23, 2020
Even for the most elite of bacteria-killers, these superbugs were a challenge.
They’d delayed Mallory Smith from getting a lung transplant, and when she’d finally had the surgery, the bacteria quickly migrated into her new lungs. They shrugged off cocktail after cocktail of antibiotics

Panel decries lack of attention for Antimicrobial Resistance | June 16, 2022
Frank Buckley interviews author and publicist Diane Shader Smith, who’s daughter, Mallory, was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis and authored the posthumously published book “Salt in My Soul: An Unfinished Life.”

The impact of antibiotic resistance: sharing stories to advance needed legislation
Infectious Diseases Society of America | May 19, 2022
The compelling story of Mallory Smith, who lived with cystic fibrosis for 25 years and died in 2017 after a 10-year battle with antibiotic-resistant infections, set the stage for a discussion on Capitol Hill on May 18 about the growing impact of resistance, the broken economic model for antibiotic development, the need to use antibiotics wisely and how legislation like the PASTEUR Act can help.

Diane Shader Smith – ‘Salt In My Soul’
American Medicine Today | February 19, 2022
A new documentary called “Salt in My Soul” is out now and it tells the story of Mallory Smith, a young woman who secretly documented her 25 year struggle with chronic illness before ultimately losing her battle with disease. Joining us to discuss is Diane Shader-Smith, writer, speaker and mother of Mallory.

Love, Bravery, and Belief: Salt In My Soul review
CJSF | February 08, 2022
Salt in My Soul documents the life of Mallory Smith, who is diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at age three. Throughout her 25 years of life, Mallory journaled every step of her experience with cystic fibrosis, right up until her last breath, resulting in the memoir on which this documentary is based.